The purpose of the Operating Systems and Open Source Group (OS2G), is to:
- Provide a venue for discussions and presentations on the following topics:
- Operating systems
- Open Source (OSS) and Free Software (FOSS)
- System Administration
- Computer Networking
- Computing Security
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Provide a support network for the use and development of OSS and FOSS
- Educate the public about Open Source and Free Software
- Give the necessary resources for students to excel in their projects and studies
- Allow access to the Holland Computing Center's supercomputer for students interested in machine learning, data analysis, and any applications that would need the powerful and plentiful resources of a super-computing cluster
We are an open group to all people and genders with bias and malice towards none. All majors have a place at OS2G. Non-UNL people are also allowed to be part of the meetings; however, as per university policy, they can not be official members (no voting rights).